Sometimes people come into your life for a moment, a day, or a lifetime. It matters not the time they spent with you but how they impacted your life in that time. - Unknown
Dear George,
Welcome to the world!
Firstly, you are ridiculously handsome and secondly, you are one very blessed little boy.
I first met your mum last year, you see, your mum was my little boys 1st Grade teacher.
It was a couple of weeks into Term 1 when she pulled me aside one afternoon to share with me a story about my son being kind to a classmate that I began to realise what an impact she would have. It was also at this moment that I was so thankful for this amazing person to come into our lives in the form of his teacher.
Amidst the noise and chaos of a classroom, your mum saw past the busy 6 year old who likes a chat and saw the sweet, kind-hearted and selfless little boy that we loved so dearly.
It was so comforting as a parent that she saw the 'real him'. But, more importantly, my son; he felt it and he thrived. With her gentle, caring and fun nature, my son quickly adored her, still does and I believe will do for years to come.
Why am I telling you this?
I just wanted to:
a) acknowledge and thank your mum; and
b) give you the heads up that you are in for an amazing life.
If your mum can make such a difference in our lives in just one year, imagine what is in store for you.
Oh and on top of this - you've got your dad too. The way he looks at you, talks to you and cradles you is a genuine and heartfelt reflection of the immensity of his pride and love for you.
It was a pleasure to meet you George and capture your gorgeous family.
Ange x
P.S There is a blue dog in the backyard that is feeling a bit put out by your arrival but I'm sure he will come around.